Friday, May 23, 2014

Starting Fresh

Hey everyone!

So I know it's been a LONG time since my last post but there are good reasons why.  I took 2 new jobs, one is a great 9-5 in an office and the other is a part-time assistant chef at a cooking school.  I love both but they do fill up my days, along with (as you know) my two rambunctious kids.  So with that being said, let's dive right into today's topic.

Eating fresh food is is revered as being the absolute best.  So why is that?  Is that really true that fresh is best?  Well actually, no, that is not the case.  When produce is picked fresh, it's generally picked before it has reached its peak. They do this because it ensures a "prettier" product when it reaches it's final destination, which in most cases is days past the time it's picked.  

So what are your other options? My personal choices are either straight from the farm or a local farmers market, or good 'old frozen vegetables. Frozen veggies are, in my option, the best choice for any working family.  Frozen vegetables are always available, unlike a farmers market, and they are always picked at the the prime ripeness and immediately frozen. The process "freezes" all the beneficial nutrients our veggies have to offer. Not to mention, frozen veggies are cheaper than canned and fresh, so it's a win situation!

Now, we all know I love gardening (as seen in the pictures below), and I love growing all my own herbs and veggies so I would encourage everyone to consider doing that. You always know what's happening to your own food and you can grow things anywhere! I started my container gardening in my apartment and it's grown with me into a full garden!

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